We hiked for eleven hours today and did not see
one other hiker. It's not a very comforting feeling to be the only two
people on the trail and see warning signs for bears and cougars. We did
have our bear spray, however, if a bear ever got close enough for me to
have to use it, I don't even want to think of that option.
Hiking the North approach of Mt. Allen is beautiful but I prefer the South trail much better. The enormous mosquito population on the dense forest trails made for a most unpleasant experience.
Jana's turn to lead the way and fend off the spider webs with her handy dandy stick!
These orange square markers were comforting sights as they let us know we are on the right trail.
This is one of the many trails on the mountain ridge. I love being above the tree line and having the wide open view!
The splendor of it all! This is the view of Mt. Peter Lougheed. God's handiwork is indescribable.
It doesn't get much better than this!
Believe it or not, this is my favorite part; climbing the rocks and doing the scrambles.
Summer colours in all of nature's glory!
This flower is called "Cushion Pink". It is a small mountain-dwelling wildflower that is common all over the high arctic and tundra in the higher mountain areas!
How small and insignificant we seem against these majestic mountains and yet God knows each of us by name.
Can anyone tell me what kind of footprint this is? From where I was standing this looked quite large and unfriendly.
This is a cairn, a term used for a man-made pile of stones. These stone markers help hikers know where the trail is when the path is unclear.
Jana is excited to be at the summit but her expression says: I can't believe these pesty mosquitoes followed us to the summit.
I'm stuck! This tree won't let me go. One of the loops on my backpack got entangled in this tree and we played tug-of-war for awhile.
We hiked along the top of this ridge before reaching Mt. Allen.